Tutorial 4 - The Store class - saving data quickly

The anamnesis.Store class can be used as a very simple way of storing data without having to define your own class.

To use the Store class, you simply have to place any data which you want to serialise into the extra_data member variable.

As usual with the tutorials, we start with a script which creates an example test file: test_script4_write.py:


import h5py

from anamnesis import Store

# Create a Store
s = Store()

s.extra_data['airport_from'] = 'Manchester'
s.extra_data['airport_to'] = 'Schipol'

# Write the store into a file
f = h5py.File('test_script4.hdf5', 'w')

Reading back a Store

Reading back a Store is no different to reading any other anamnesis object as can be seen in test_script4_read.py.


from anamnesis import obj_from_hdf5file

# Read from our store
s = obj_from_hdf5file('test_script4.hdf5')
